Как прошить samsung s6 edge через компьютер
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Технический пост #2
the background of the apps will be the same as the home
SUPERSU credit to @Chainfire
AEL Kernel 1.3 thanks to @friedrich420
ROM CONTROL credit to @ficeto
-Music Player
-5Way Reboot
-Added 20 backgrounds in WallpaperPickers
-Menu in left soft touch
MODS SystemUI:
3MinitBattery 3.1 thanks to @gharrington
Gradient Statusbar thanks to @potato
Center Clock
Added Recents App icon in pulldown
Added Edit Button icon in pulldown
Апдейт AROMA_THEME_V.5_B для прошивки [ROM][TW][5.1.1][92x][OG3] ** CarHDRom V.5 ** [INVERTED][11/07]
После применения апдейта, в зависимости от выбранного набора в Арома Инсталлере, моды SER варианта, выложенного ниже (а именно Полная дата в шторке и на Экране блокировки, Трафик в статус баре и Исправленная панель поиска в Контактах) могут слететь.
Апдейт Aroma Theme обновился до версии v.5.1
Clock Colors in Statusbar : White, Blue, Blue-Light, Red, Yellow, Orange
Toggles Colors: White, Blue, Blue-Light, Red, Yellow, Orange
Sound Boost
Ссылка на скачивание AROMA_THEME_V.5.1.zip ( 82,25 МБ )
Установка прошивки на устройство
G92xF/I/T Galaxy S6 Universal Deodexed Mod edition ROM Details:
— One ROM for 6 different S6 models: Normal S6 / S6 Edge F/I/T
— Based on the latest Samsung Stock G925I DVU2COF8 Lollipop 5.1.1 firmware (Base build date: 25-JUN-2015)
— Deodexed Mod Edition: Deodexed & Mods!
The Mods that are included with this version (vs. the Pure Odexed edition of this ROM):
— Latest S6 UniKernel by @g.lewarne as default and only one kernel included to support all the models!
— Integrated Fix for the T/W8 models to fix in-call audio
— Integrated Fix for the ‘No deep-sleep’ bug!!
(thanks to @HomerSp & @Chainfire)
— All the standard features of Stock Android will work, so it’s nearly even light as an AOSP ROM but then with the TouchWiz launcher, SystemUI & some Samsung apps
— ROM still includes the original Samsung Keyboard, Gallery, Camera, Dialer, Messages, Music, Alarm & Calculator apps
— Deleted more than 1.5 Gb from the ROM (in comparison to the stock firmware)
— Native init.d script support (even with the original Stock kernel!!)
— Latest SuperSu & BusyBox binary’s integrated
— Sqlite3 binary and optimization script
— KNOX fully removed
— 100% Clean and correct installation script (hand-made by me)
— Native Call Recording
— At every boot the FsTrim command will be excecuted, to keep your Phone smooth and the internal memory fast!
— Updated Google Play Services, Play Store & Webview to the latest version that’s available
— ‘Allow 3rd-party app install’ enabled at default
— Working Private Mode (available as an add-on in post #2)
— Optional removal of the S-Finder & Quick-Connect buttons from the SystemUI (see Aroma add-on package in post #2)
— (Optional) CSC tweaks, like:
★ Add secondary symbols to the Samsung Keyboard
★ Native Call recording
★ Camera shutter sound button in the Samsung Camera app
★ Enable All Quick Toggles in the notification panel (will show up after 2nd reboot after an clean install)
★ Enable camera during call
★ TouchWiz Launcher is sorted Alphabetically at default
★ Disabled Auto-correction for the Samsung Keyboard at default
★ Filming with the Samsung camera app no longer pauses Music (if you’re playing music)
★ Messaging time stamps to it’s original time
★ Enable Call Button in call log list
★ Call/Message blocking Settings entry
★ Message 999 recipient limit
★ Exit button in the Samsung internet Browser
★ Vibrate on call answering
— A few (optional) build.prop tweaks, like: More Dialer options (Call alert), Fewer WiFi scans, Faster Boot animation speeds, Disabled call ring and Proximity delay.
— Unique separate Aroma Add-on Package which includes all the removed Samsung ‘bloatware’ apps, so that you can flash at any time your missing app back. (see Post #2)
The 5.1.1 version is ONLY tested on the G92xF/I/T (normal S6 & Edge) models. it will maybe also work on other models, you have to try that out on your own risk of course!!
First boot up (after doing an clean flash) can take up an long time (3-5 minutes), this is because this ROM is deodexed!
If you’re experiencing ANY issue, then first make sure that you’re on the latest bootloader/firmware (see post #4 for latest one for your model), and that you’ve done an clean install (data/factory reset before installing the ROM).
All the Google Play Store apps are NOT included in the ROM (or Aroma add-on package), you can download those by yourself in the Play Store.
Deodexed Mod Edition V.2.1 Final:
— Updated ROM to firmware base DVU2COF8 (G925i) Android 5.1.1 (Build date June 25th)
— Updated S6 UniKernel to v3-0001 (based on COF8 sources, and much smoother now!)
— There are now also 2 other kernel choices in the Aroma add-on package, including one stock permissive unified kernel!
— Updated Memory/Multi-tasking tweak to the fha line.
— Optimized build.prop & CSC tweaks
— Added FingerPrint scanner option to the ROM (also still available in the Aroma add-on package)
— Updated Google Play Services to v.7.5.74
— Updated Google Play Store to v.5.7.10
— Updaetd Google System WebView to v.44.0.2403.83
— Removed many system permissions from the ROM (/system/etc/permissions)
— Down-graded Aroma installer to 2.70RC2 (fixes installation freezing)
— Many various optimizations & fixes.
Root & Install custom recovery: (Only needed if you haven’t done this yet)
— Flash CF-Root for your model with Odin
— Make sure you have an custom recovery installed (I advise you to use TWRP) ( or newer REQUIRED for v.2.1 > of this ROM!!)
(This trips your KNOX warranty counter!)
Install the ROM
— Make sure you’re on an recent Bootloader & Firmware (Android 5.1.1 Bootloader REQUIRED for v.2.1 and higher!!)
— Copy the ROM zip file to your internal of your Phone
— Do a Data/Factory reset first in your recovery
— Start the installation
— Reboot
— Enjoy the Rom!
— Optionally: Flash the Aroma add-on Package, to restore some of the removed Samsung Apps/Functions that you want (You can do this anytime!)
I would NOT recommend to restore system apps or app data of your apps with Titanium backup, only the apps themselves.
Restoring App data or System apps can cause problems with the apps. (This applies to any ROM!)
Как прошить samsung s6 edge через компьютер
Этот способ предполагает установку TWRP-recovery и ядра от arter97
Счётчик KNOX тикнет!
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Samsung 404SC Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Japan (SoftBank), SGH-V504, SM-G925Z, zeroltesbm
Samsung SC-04G Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Japan (NTT docomo), SGH-N516, SM-G925D, zeroltedcm
Samsung SCV31 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Japan (au by KDDI), SM-G925J, zeroltekdi
Samsung SM-G9250 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge China, zeroltechn
Samsung SM-G925A Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge AT&T, zerolteatt
Samsung SM-G925I Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge LATAM / Singapore / India / Australia / New Zealand, zeroltedv
Samsung SM-G925K Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Korea (KT Corporation), zerolteskt-zeroltektt
Samsung SM-G925L Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Korea (LG Uplus), zerolteskt-zeroltelgt
Samsung SM-G925P Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Sprint, zeroltespr
Samsung SM-G925R4 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge US Cellular, zerolteusc
Samsung SM-G925R6 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Bluegrass Cellular, zeroltelra
Samsung SM-G925R7 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge C-Spire / Nextech, zerolteacg
Samsung SM-G925S Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Korea (SK Telecom), zerolteskt
Samsung SM-G925T Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge T-Mobile, zeroltetmo
Samsung SM-G925V Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Verizon, zeroltevzw
Samsung SM-G925W8 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Canada Unlocked / Bell Mobile и др., zeroltecan, zeroltebmc
Как прошить samsung s6 edge через компьютер
Этот способ предполагает установку TWRP-recovery и ядра от arter97
Счётчик KNOX тикнет!
Прошейте скачанное рекавери.
В теме нет куратора. По вопросам наполнения шапки, обращайтесь к модераторам раздела через кнопку под сообщениями, на которые необходимо добавить ссылки.
Samsung 404SC Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Japan (SoftBank), SGH-V504, SM-G925Z, zeroltesbm
Samsung SC-04G Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Japan (NTT docomo), SGH-N516, SM-G925D, zeroltedcm
Samsung SCV31 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Japan (au by KDDI), SM-G925J, zeroltekdi
Samsung SM-G9250 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge China, zeroltechn
Samsung SM-G925A Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge AT&T, zerolteatt
Samsung SM-G925I Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge LATAM / Singapore / India / Australia / New Zealand, zeroltedv
Samsung SM-G925K Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Korea (KT Corporation), zerolteskt-zeroltektt
Samsung SM-G925L Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Korea (LG Uplus), zerolteskt-zeroltelgt
Samsung SM-G925P Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Sprint, zeroltespr
Samsung SM-G925R4 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge US Cellular, zerolteusc
Samsung SM-G925R6 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Bluegrass Cellular, zeroltelra
Samsung SM-G925R7 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge C-Spire / Nextech, zerolteacg
Samsung SM-G925S Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Korea (SK Telecom), zerolteskt
Samsung SM-G925T Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge T-Mobile, zeroltetmo
Samsung SM-G925V Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Verizon, zeroltevzw
Samsung SM-G925W8 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Canada Unlocked / Bell Mobile и др., zeroltecan, zeroltebmc
Как прошить samsung s6 edge через компьютер
Этот способ предполагает установку TWRP-recovery и ядра от arter97
Счётчик KNOX тикнет!
Прошейте скачанное рекавери.
В теме нет куратора. По вопросам наполнения шапки, обращайтесь к модераторам раздела через кнопку под сообщениями, на которые необходимо добавить ссылки.
Samsung 404SC Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Japan (SoftBank), SGH-V504, SM-G925Z, zeroltesbm
Samsung SC-04G Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Japan (NTT docomo), SGH-N516, SM-G925D, zeroltedcm
Samsung SCV31 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Japan (au by KDDI), SM-G925J, zeroltekdi
Samsung SM-G9250 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge China, zeroltechn
Samsung SM-G925A Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge AT&T, zerolteatt
Samsung SM-G925I Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge LATAM / Singapore / India / Australia / New Zealand, zeroltedv
Samsung SM-G925K Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Korea (KT Corporation), zerolteskt-zeroltektt
Samsung SM-G925L Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Korea (LG Uplus), zerolteskt-zeroltelgt
Samsung SM-G925P Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Sprint, zeroltespr
Samsung SM-G925R4 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge US Cellular, zerolteusc
Samsung SM-G925R6 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Bluegrass Cellular, zeroltelra
Samsung SM-G925R7 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge C-Spire / Nextech, zerolteacg
Samsung SM-G925S Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Korea (SK Telecom), zerolteskt
Samsung SM-G925T Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge T-Mobile, zeroltetmo
Samsung SM-G925V Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Verizon, zeroltevzw
Samsung SM-G925W8 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Canada Unlocked / Bell Mobile и др., zeroltecan, zeroltebmc
Как прошить samsung s6 edge через компьютер
Этот способ предполагает установку TWRP-recovery и ядра от arter97
Счётчик KNOX тикнет!
Прошейте скачанное рекавери.
В теме нет куратора. По вопросам наполнения шапки, обращайтесь к модераторам раздела через кнопку под сообщениями, на которые необходимо добавить ссылки.
Samsung 404SC Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Japan (SoftBank), SGH-V504, SM-G925Z, zeroltesbm
Samsung SC-04G Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Japan (NTT docomo), SGH-N516, SM-G925D, zeroltedcm
Samsung SCV31 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Japan (au by KDDI), SM-G925J, zeroltekdi
Samsung SM-G9250 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge China, zeroltechn
Samsung SM-G925A Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge AT&T, zerolteatt
Samsung SM-G925I Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge LATAM / Singapore / India / Australia / New Zealand, zeroltedv
Samsung SM-G925K Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Korea (KT Corporation), zerolteskt-zeroltektt
Samsung SM-G925L Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Korea (LG Uplus), zerolteskt-zeroltelgt
Samsung SM-G925P Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Sprint, zeroltespr
Samsung SM-G925R4 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge US Cellular, zerolteusc
Samsung SM-G925R6 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Bluegrass Cellular, zeroltelra
Samsung SM-G925R7 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge C-Spire / Nextech, zerolteacg
Samsung SM-G925S Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Korea (SK Telecom), zerolteskt
Samsung SM-G925T Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge T-Mobile, zeroltetmo
Samsung SM-G925V Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Verizon, zeroltevzw
Samsung SM-G925W8 Galaxy S6 Edge
Galaxy S6 Edge Canada Unlocked / Bell Mobile и др., zeroltecan, zeroltebmc