драйвера для ноутбука dell latitude d610

  1. Скачать драйвера для ноутбука Dell Computer Corporation Latitude D610
  2. Выберите устройство
  3. Драйвера и утилиты ᐅ для ноутбуков и нетбуков ᐅ Dell ᐅ Latitude D610
  4. Список драйверов, утилит и других файлов для ноутбука Dell Latitude D610
  5. Программное обеспечение, которое может оказаться полезным
  6. Утилита для автоматического поиска драйверов
  7. Программа для оптимизации и ускорения Windows
  9. Драйвера для ноутбука dell latitude d610
  10. Загрузить драйверы Dell Latitude D610
  11. Обновление драйверов Latitude D610 вручную:
  12. Используйте автоматическое средство для обновления драйверов Latitude D610:
  13. D610 Часто задаваемые вопросы относительно обновления
  14. Как обновить драйверы D610?
  15. Драйверы Портативный-компьютер Dell служат какой утилитой?
  16. Какие операционные системы совместимы с драйверами D610?
  17. Почему избегаются обновления драйверов D610?
  18. Обеспечение того, чтобы у вас есть правильные драйверы
  19. Скачать бесплатно драйверы для Dell Latitude D610
  20. Популярный файлы для Dell Ноутбуки
  21. Latitude D610 – Windows 7 32 Bit
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Скачать драйвера для ноутбука Dell Computer Corporation Latitude D610

Также вы можете скачать программу, которая сама найдёт и установит отсутствующие драйвера на вашем компьютере Dell Computer Corporation Latitude D610.


Выберите устройство

Приобретение идеального ноутбука – задача для выносливых. Остановить свой взгляд на одном продукте не представляется возможным без проведения параллелей между собственными потребностями и параметрами модели. В отличие от десктопных агрегатов, лэптопы предназначены для работы и досуга без соотнесения к конкретной локации. Перед тем, как установить драйвера для ноутбука Dell Computer Corporation Latitude D610, ознакомьтесь с возможностями, которые у вас появятся после апдейта.

Расценки – не самый значимый критерий высокого качества, как представляется изначально. По обыкновению, на стоимость устройства влияют такие нюансы, как прославленность бренда, компонентная часть, оснащенность и материалы изготовления. Принимая это к сведению, можно смело утверждать, что самое дешевое решение может никогда не потребовать обслуживания. Техническое обслуживание ноутбуков высокого ценового сегмента бьет по карману, ввиду дороговизны отдельных элементов, в частности когда речь идет о системе охлаждения либо процессоре.

Следующая ступень процедуры выбора отменного мобильного ассистента предполагает уточнение. Примите к сведению, что маркетинговые статьи – очень часто объективная оценка товара; осознать, насколько он пригодный, помогают подлинные мнения приобретателей об эксплуатации и сайты для установки драйверов для ноутбука Dell Computer Corporation Latitude D610. В ходе исследования откликов следует понимать, что даже у крайне раскрученного и инновационного компьютера могут быть недочеты. Сверх того, отобранная модель может не совсем удовлетворять запросы юзера.

Существенным аргументов при подборе портативного компьютера является формат. Кроме стандартных «раскладушек», в интернет-магазинах можно рассмотреть ряд других оригинальных изобретений. Каждый разработчик хочет видеть в своем инвентаре весь список аппаратов, начиная с малогабаритных нетбуков и заканчивая ультрабуками. Увеличить производительность мобильного помощника дают возможность драйвера для ноутбука Dell Computer Corporation Latitude D610.

Сродни всем электроприборам, ноутбуки не вечны, а имеют определенный срок службы. При ежедневной нагрузке устройство может дать сбой на фоне изнашивания элементов, загрязнений либо нештатных режимов работы. Подарить новую жизнь «железу» помогает ремонт или апгрейд оборудования.

Программная часть ноутбука ветшает молниеносно; поэтому немудрено, что ваш «идеальный» лэптоп станет копотливым. Оживить систему можно путем установки драйверов для ноутбука Dell Computer Corporation Latitude D610 и их систематическое обновление. Стоит только активировать программу – и ваш лэптоп получит все необходимые драйвера.


Драйвера и утилиты
ᐅ для ноутбуков и нетбуков ᐅ Dell ᐅ Latitude D610

Список драйверов, утилит и других файлов
для ноутбука Dell Latitude D610

В приведенном ниже списке представлены драйвера, утилиты, программное обеспечение, обновления, а также инструкции и руководства пользователя для ноутбука Dell Latitude D610. Любой из перечисленных ниже файлов, вы можете скачать с наших серверов абсолютно бесплатно.

Для перехода к странице с драйвером или другим файлом, пожалуйста, выберите один из пунктов ниже.

Программное обеспечение, которое может оказаться полезным

Утилита для автоматического поиска драйверов

Программа для поиска и установки новых драйверов и обновления уже установленных на компьютере под управлением операционных систем Windows. Поиск драйверов для любых неопознанных системой устройств, полностью автоматизированное скачивание и установка драйверов для Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista и XP.

Программа для оптимизации и ускорения Windows

Программа, которая позволит значительно повысить скорость работы компьютера путем исправления системных ошибок, очистки записей реестра, оставшихся после удаления программ, удаления дубликатов файлов, больших неиспользуемых и временных файлов. Совместима с Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista и XP

* Данное программное обеспечение, предоставляется компанией Carambis, как условно бесплатное. Это означает, что бесплатно вы можете: загрузить его с нашего сайта или сайта компании партнера, установить на свой компьютер, использовать некоторые функции, которые доступны в бесплатной версии. Например, в программе Driver Updater вы можете просканироват компьютер на предмет устаревших и отсутствующих драйверов для оборудования. Однако, только в платной версии доступно обновление и автоматическое скачивание драйверов. Все вопросы, касаемые работы программы, покупки лицензионного ключа, поддержки и тд., решаются исключительно с компанией, которая предоставляет данное программное обеспечение.


P9222-R позволяет производителям дополнять свои небольшие устройства с батарейным пи

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Драйвера для ноутбука dell latitude d610


Загрузить драйверы
Dell Latitude D610

Обновление драйверов Latitude D610 вручную:

Базовые драйверы Latitude D610 должны быть объединены в %%os%% или загружены через обновление Windows®. Встроенный драйвер поддерживает основные функции оборудования D610. Перейдите по этой ссылке, чтобы узнать, как установить эти драйверы Dell.

Используйте автоматическое средство для обновления драйверов Latitude D610:

Самая приятная часть в использовании DriverDoc заключается в том, что данная утилита выполняет автоматическое обновление не только драйверов Портативный-компьютер, но и всех остальных драйверов на вашем ПК. Благодаря постоянно обновляемой базе, насчитывающей более 2 150 000 драйверов, вы можете быть уверены, что у нас имеются все драйверы, необходимые для вашего ПК.

D610 Часто задаваемые вопросы относительно обновления

Как обновить драйверы D610?

Драйверы Latitude D610 можно обновить вручную с помощью Device Manager (Диспетчер устройства) или автоматически с помощью программного обеспечения для обновления драйверов.

Драйверы Портативный-компьютер Dell служат какой утилитой?

Эти крошечные программы, называемые «драйверы устройств», позволяют D610 вашего устройства правильно взаимодействовать с вашей операционной системой.

Какие операционные системы совместимы с драйверами D610?

D610 полностью поддерживается Windows.

Почему избегаются обновления драйверов D610?

В основном, пользователи избегают обновления драйверов D610, потому что они не хотят рисковать испортить свое оборудование.

Обеспечение того, чтобы у вас есть правильные драйверы

Ошибки Latitude D610 могут быть связаны с поврежденными или устаревшими драйверами вашего компьютера. Водители будут работать в один прекрасный день, и по разным причинам внезапно бросили работу на следующий день. Вам не нужно беспокоиться, потому что ваша проблема с Портативный-компьютер, безусловно, будет ремонтироваться с обновленным драйвером.

Загрузка правильных драйверов для аппаратного устройства, связанного с Latitude D610, может быть затруднена из-за отсутствия источников и трудностей с их поиском на официальном сайте Dell. Возможно, вы являетесь ветераном ПК, но поиск, установка и ручное обновление драйверов Latitude D610 все равно может занять много времени и полностью расстроить вас. Установка неправильных драйверов может негативно сказаться на функциональности оборудования или операционной системы.

Использование приложения обновления драйверов может позволить драйверам обновляться без труда. Средство обновления драйверов гарантирует, что драйверы операционной системы компьютера обновлены и правильно подходят для оборудования в системе. Резервные файлы предоставляют возможность отката любого драйвера к более ранней версии, если что-то прерывает или повреждает процесс.


Скачать бесплатно драйверы для Dell Latitude D610

Список драйверов, программ, различных утилит и прошивок для Ноутбук Dell Latitude D610 доступен здесь.

Выберите файл и перейдите на его страницу.

Выпущено: 2005.10.31 Релиз: A1257

Размер: 3.52 Mb (PE SELF-EXTRACTING)

Выпущено: 2005.10.31 Релиз: A1257

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2007.07.30 Релиз: 8.­1.­12,­ A45

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2006.08.29 Релиз: 7.­1.­10,­ A38

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2005.11.14 Релиз: v4.­00.­11(D),­ A13

Размер: 26.83 Mb (PE SELF-EXTRACTING)

Для: Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2005.07.08 Релиз: NW2.­5.­23,­ A03

Для: Windows XP, Windows XP 64-bit

Выпущено: 2008.07.15 Релиз: 4.­100.­15.­5 /­ 4.­100.­15.­8,­ A10

Размер: 52.19 Mb (ZIP SELF-EXTRACTING)

Для: Windows XP, Windows XP 64-bit

Выпущено: 2007.03.22 Релиз: v.­4.­100.­15.­5 /­ 4.­100.­15.­8,­ A14


Выпущено: 2005.12.14 Релиз: TD17,­ A02

Для: Windows Vista, Windows Vista 64-bit

Выпущено: 2007.11.12 Релиз: 5.­10.­79.­14,­ A14

Размер: 21.53 Mb (ZIP SELF-EXTRACTING)

Для: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows XP 64-bit

Выпущено: 2012.02.07 Релиз: 1.­0.­17,­ A01

Выпущено: 2006.12.20 Релиз: AD18,­ A04

Выпущено: 2005.10.26 Релиз: 1.­1.­1.­12,­ A02

Выпущено: 2006.09.18 Релиз: A03,­ A00

Выпущено: 2005.10.26 Релиз: 10FE(WIN),­ A01-1

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2006.11.17 Релиз: XP Patch,­ A01

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows XP 64-bit

Выпущено: 2009.10.27 Релиз: 4.­0,­ A00


Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2008.08.06 Релиз: 5.­4.­104.­4,­ A10

Выпущено: 2006.09.22 Релиз: 1.­11,­ A05

Выпущено: 2011.05.30 Релиз: 1.­2.­4.­17,­ A02

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2005.08.01 Релиз: 8.­131.­1.­2

Размер: 25.14 Mb (ZIP SELF-EXTRACTING)

Выпущено: 2005.10.12 Релиз: A06

Для: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows XP 64-bit

Выпущено: 2011.10.06 Релиз: A00 4.­1


Для: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows XP 64-bit

Выпущено: 2012.12.18 Релиз: A00-00


Выпущено: 2008.05.22 Релиз: KD41,­ A01

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2005.07.05 Релиз: A00

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2006.03.15 Релиз: 9.­0.­2.­1,­ 9.­0.­2.­31,­ A10

Размер: 30.04 Mb (ZIP SELF-EXTRACTING)

Выпущено: 2008.10.24 Релиз: DE10,­ A06

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows XP 64-bit

Выпущено: 2006.06.23 Релиз: 7.­2.­2.­1006,­ A09


Для: Windows XP, Windows Vista

Выпущено: 2011.05.28 Релиз: A1284/­0432

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2005.07.08 Релиз: 7.­23.­01


Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2007.05.21 Релиз: 2.­01.­19.­14,­ A02

Выпущено: 2007.12.19 Релиз: 2.­05.­16,­ A02

Выпущено: 2006.12.22 Релиз: 103D,­ A02

Для: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

Выпущено: 2012.07.24 Релиз: 8.­0.­1.­150,­ A00

Выпущено: 2006.05.03 Релиз: A1264

Для: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows XP 64-bit

Выпущено: 2008.02.22 Релиз: A03

Размер: 32.98 Mb (RAR SELF-EXTRACTING)

Выпущено: 2005.10.26 Релиз: KDKB,­ A02

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows XP 64-bit

Выпущено: 2007.02.09 Релиз: 4.­5.­0,­ A21

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Размер: 48.62 Mb (ZIP SELF-EXTRACTING)

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2005.02.09 Релиз: 8.­063.­2.­1.­1

Размер: 22.73 Mb (ZIP SELF-EXTRACTING)

Для: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows XP 64-bit

Выпущено: 2012.06.21 Релиз: A00


Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2005.06.01 Релиз: 3.­100.­35.­1 /­ 3.­100.­41,­ A06

Размер: 16.87 Mb (ZIP SELF-EXTRACTING)

Выпущено: 2007.02.02 Релиз: DE04,­ A03

Выпущено: 2005.10.31 Релиз: A1257

Выпущено: 2005.10.26 Релиз: PDS7 (Win),­ A04

Выпущено: 2007.11.12 Релиз: DE07,­ A03

Для: Windows XP, Windows XP 64-bit

Выпущено: 2008.07.15 Релиз: 4.­100.­15.­5 /­ 4.­100.­15.­8,­ A10

Размер: 52.19 Mb (ZIP SELF-EXTRACTING)

Выпущено: 2006.07.06 Релиз: D4H,­ A03

Выпущено: 2006.06.21 Релиз: A01,­ A00

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows XP 64-bit

Выпущено: 2009.04.10 Релиз: 2.­06.­03.­052,­ A05

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2005.05.12 Релиз: 2.­41,­ A04


Для: Windows XP, Windows XP 64-bit


Для: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP 64-bit

Выпущено: 2011.05.30 Релиз: 3.­1.­1230,­ A00

Размер: 10.52 Mb (INSTALLSHIELD)

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2005.09.29 Релиз: 7.­86,­ A01


Выпущено: 2006.09.20 Релиз: A02

Размер: 44.88 Mb (ZIP SELF-EXTRACTING)

Выпущено: 2007.11.12 Релиз: 1.­02,­ A01

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2005.11.07 Релиз: 3.­11.­0,­ A18

Выпущено: 2006.05.03 Релиз: A1264

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2006.06.23 Релиз: 4.­10.­40.­0 /­ 4.­10.­47.­3,­ A09

Размер: 48.62 Mb (ZIP SELF-EXTRACTING)

Выпущено: 2006.06.15 Релиз: DE07,­ A03

Для: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows XP 64-bit

Выпущено: 2012.04.19 Релиз: A00-00


Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2005.11.03 Релиз: TIC100477,­ A00

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2005.09.29 Релиз: 7.­6.­7,­ A01

Для: Windows XP, Windows Vista

Выпущено: 2011.05.28 Релиз: A1284/­0432

Выпущено: 2006.06.21 Релиз: 1.­1.­2.­13,­ A00

Выпущено: 2006.12.22 Релиз: 203E,­ A02

Выпущено: 2008.05.22 Релиз: KD11,­ A02

Выпущено: 2007.11.12 Релиз: 8.­36-070314a3-045540C-Dell,­ A04

Для: Windows XP, Windows XP 64-bit

Выпущено: 2006.08.22 Релиз: A01

Размер: 33.05 Mb (ZIP SELF-EXTRACTING)

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2006.11.27 Релиз: 6.­14.­10.­4693,­ A09


Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2006.06.23 Релиз: 4.­10.­40.­0 /­ 4.­10.­47.­3,­ A09

Размер: 48.62 Mb (ZIP SELF-EXTRACTING)

Выпущено: 2007.11.12 Релиз: B103,­ A02

Выпущено: 2006.04.28 Релиз: D.­AD,­ A02

Выпущено: 2005.10.26 Релиз: 1.­1.­1.­12,­ A02

Для: Windows XP, Windows XP 64-bit


Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2007.05.03 Релиз: v.­11.­1.­0.­0 (TIC135897),­ A17


Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2006.10.04 Релиз: 1.­2.­4.­17,­ A02

Выпущено: 2006.05.03 Релиз: A1264,­ A1264

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista

Выпущено: 2007.01.23 Релиз: 5.­10.­0.­4255,­ A03


Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows XP 64-bit

Выпущено: 2008.04.17 Релиз: 5.­3.­3,­ A28

Размер: 10.43 Mb (ZIP)

Выпущено: 2005.11.16 Релиз: U306,­ A02

Для: Windows 2000, Windows XP

Выпущено: 2010.09.28 Релиз: 8.­3.­11,­ A47

Популярный файлы для Dell Ноутбуки

Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit

Выпущено: 2012.03.26 Релиз: A10 8.­901.­1.­1

Размер: 320.45 Mb (ZIP SELF-EXTRACTING)

Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows XP 64-bit

Выпущено: 2008.03.06 Релиз: 5.­10.­0.­5515,­ A11


Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows Server 2003 64-bit

Выпущено: 2012.12.18 Релиз: A00-00


DOS, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit

Выпущено: 2011.05.29 Релиз: 11.­6.­92.­0



Latitude D610 – Windows 7 32 Bit

This model and Operating System is not supported by Dell.

Recommended hardware Upgrades

It is recommended to upgrade it to 2 GB of RAM

Refer to the Service Manual when performing hardware upgrades.


OS Updates
System utilities



Determine the variant using the Hardware IDs.


Try in order latest first, if it doesn’t work try for an older version. Wireless


*Install in compatibility mode for Windows Vista. Application Dell Quickset see Installing the Windows XP 32 Bit of Dell Quickset in Windows 7 32 Bit

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42 thoughts on “ Latitude D610 – Windows 7 32 Bit ”

The link to AMD Legacy Video Driver is down. I was successful with both sp34749.exe (HP) and R153383.EXE (Dell, from the D610 ftp driver site).

I recently wiped 6 Dell Latitude D610 and installed Windows 7. (Corporate Volume Licensing in case anyone cares).

Somehow I managed to install the Microsoft Catalogue driver on two of them. (8.561.0.0) The others ended up with drive version

I noticed the older driver rated a Windows Experience Index of 1.0.
The Microsoft Catalogue driver was achieving a score of 2.0.

The difference was notable.

I went back to the other machines and attempted to install the newer Catalogue driver.
I had to extract them from the cab file and use device manager to install. Windows recognized the drivers as newer and attempted to install them but failed.

I installed the Dell R153383 package. It installed successfully. I re-ran the assessment and it also achieved and WEI score of 2.0. Good enough!

Is this a list of everything needed that is needed for a clean installation of windows 7 pro on the dell latitude d610, I’m trying to find all the drivers and files that are necessary for a standard clean installation of windows 7 pro for this laptop with no extras, just what is needed to run windows itself and have everything working, video (aero), audio and all, along with the dell system files for this install, I’m also wanting the BIOS and daignostic utilitiesfor this system that is compatible with windows 7 pro and how to install all system files, various drivers, and files needed manually instead of automated since this system was not meant to run win 7 pro, I’ve found the info I need to patch this system to run the video and audio properly, I want to get this thing wiped clean and freshly installed and setup with ONLY the drivers and files needed, I know that these driver packs are going to install a lot of unnecessary drivers and files, I would appreciate assisstance in finding and uninstalling or deleting anything that is not necessary that comes with the install of windows 7, in other words if what comes standard does not run win 7 on this system and an alternate driver or file is needed in its place then I would prefer to remove the uneeded driver or file, I have experience from the military with pc systems but it has been a few years, any assisstance in getting this system running clean with win 7 pro and all components working properly with NO EXTRAS for optimum performance would be very much appreciated, thank you to anyone that is willing to share their knowledge

This is the best to a complete driver set you are going to get. That system is not worth the cost of a Windows 7 license however and it scrapes minimum system requirements.

I’m perfectly willing to do any hardware upgrades myself, are there any h/w upgrades that I can do that would bring it up to par besides adding another gig of RAM? I plan on upgrading RAM, I’m considering a h/w upgrade for the video compnents so that the video works better with 7, I’ve found post about using alternate drivers and installing them in XP compatibility mode so that aero works as it should, I’ve found patches for the audio also, parts for this are cheap enough to be worth it to me so any known possible h/w upgrades that can be suggested would be appreciated, my only purpose for this system is to go online and to service, flash, debug and program mobile and android devices, that’s it so any suggestions appreciated, thanks

I have win7pro on it when I got it, I’ve located the product key for 7 that it already has, that’s why I’m trying to start fresh with a clean win 7 install to get as close to new and smooth as possible. I should be able to do this without spending anything, its only going to cost me time and doing the work myself, I’m just looking for direction from those that are familiar with this system so I can find the correct resources

My main problem right now is I can’t diagnostic utility or the utility update to install, is this a win 7 driver problem, is there a compatible diag utility for for win 7?

If you are looking for a program like MyDell its likely too old a system but you can try it.

If you want the Dell diagnostics its better for you just to burn this to CD and boot to it:

Thanks, I didn’t install win 7 though, this dinosaur was given to me and I’m just trying to clean the mess up and make it right again, thanks for the help

Ok, I’ve got my drivers for everything installed and working properly except for «teredo tunneling pseudo-interface» what is this and which driver does it need for this system and OS? I didn’t do a clean install, I just cleaned up the junk and installed drivers, what other steps in the links at the top of this page do you suggest or would be good for me to do, I’ve only got about 8Gb of free space left on a 40Gb hard drive, any suggestions on making room?

See here:
If you didn’t perform a clean install, you likely have a Windows.old folder which you should get rid of. 40 GB is pretty small but the HDD is IDE and these are long obsolete and not worth spending money upgrading this systems hardware.

Thanks, I’ve gone about as far as I can go software wise, I am going to upgrade the RAM though, I found compatible matched sets of 1Gb and even a matched set of 2Gb that would leave me around 3.3 Gb usable,I’ve also read some posts on how to integrate them, I’ve found quite a few inexpensive upgrades that all totalled at completion will still be cheaper than buying something comparable, and I’ll have more than what I need by a long shot, trust me, I’m not hardcore tech I just know how to use what I have wisely. Thanks a lot for your help.

I’ve not tried more than 2 GB of RAM in that model so don’t know whether it’ll work. Please post back your findings.

That link you gave me, how do I just get rid of that whole device instead of just disabling it? If I’m never gonna use it then i don’t even want it there at all, can I get a diagram of the whole tree with only the standard install and the files that are in this instructional? The whole thing, after going through all the links provided, everything is so spread out and there are so many posts about other fixes, I’m looking for the standard install and nothing extra so I can keep it as small as possible and then go from there removing what I know I’m never gonna use, including going through the drivers and taking out the ones that aren’t needed or are obsolete, space is limited and with the purposes I have in mind are gonna need the space for all the utilities, I will be doing no gaming or videos with this system so hardware specs other than hard drive space don’t really matter, I don’t need anything superfast, just reasonably usable. I’m getting it together though.

I did both cmd prompt actions described in the link you gave me and in the other link in the thread you linked me to, still getting the error, what must be uninstalled and deleted to get rid of teredo period or at least the parts that aren’t necessary? I’m pretty determined to trim as much as absolutely possible but I’m not wanting to mess with what is important, I only want yo keep the newest IE available and one after market browser that is recommended,one that is efficient but not very demanding on the system and isn’t so big on install. I don’t even need printer, fax, or any of the office stuff, I don’t need any media players other than what is required for my browsers to work, I’m not doing any music or video on this system, no gaming just a few utilities with usb function, ethernet (maybe), wifi, bluetooth, cd, and maybe a few accessories of my choice. If you can think of anything that comes in the win7 install that fall in to the things that I am not wanting to keep let me know how to get rid of it or uninstall it without causing a problem, I’m trying to trim it down to where it only takes up about 25% of the hard drive, I need the room and I’m trying to do it without upgrading the hard drive or wiping and clean installing, everything is in working order, all drivers functioning, all video up to speed, audio is straight, I’ve got the e:\ partition still in place and functioning normally for the reserve drive and its still 71% clear, now I’m trying to just trim hard drive space and ugrade RAM and maybe CPU as high as I can go. Thanks, truly sorry if you think I’m asking a lot, I’m willing to do all the footwork to grt it myself, I’m just looking for a general direction, I’ll find my way there

This set of drivers sets was intended for clean installation. The Windows 7 upgrade isn’t recommended for this PC although it will run the 32 Bit version at minimum requirements. This driver set was put together closer to 2009 when the hardware was worth a bit more than it is now. Now the systems price is worth less than the shipping value and my phone is more powerful in terms of raw computing power. In terms of Dell Latitudes I would say its not worth running anything less than the Latitude Dx20 series, I have a D820 and have upgraded it with a SSD (which is the only reason its still in use and this is not possible for the Dx10 series) but will replace it soon. I’m a Desktop user so my D820 has just been a backup but I am using it now travelling and I’m severely feeling its limitation.

The hardware is not worth the price of the Windows 7 license especially with the low capacity HDD. I had the Inspiron 1300 which of a similar vintage and capability and I tested a lot of things out on it back when Vista was released and it was lying around so I tested Windows 7 on it, it has now failed.

If you’ve got a tight budget I would advise tossing the system and buying a second hand ex-business Dell Desktop such as the OptiPlex 760 or 780 with a Windows 7 license off eBay or since you already have a Windows 7 license an OptiPlex 745/755 opposed to feeding so much time into an old system. You could also look for a second hand ex-business Latitude E Series. Its only a matter of time until that system fails completely. In addition in the long term there are also the issues of lack of battery lifetime and the amount of heat (and hence energy utilisation) that will make continuing to run that laptop less value than its worth. All newer laptops of the same screen size should also be considerably lighter. If you buy new, even the cheapest new Dell systems (cheapest Inspiron) will run rings round this Latitude (and the D820 I’m using).

Yeah, I’m going to get another system, this is mainly because I’ve been out of the game almost 20 years, haven’t messed with any systems in all that time, not even just normal use or even going online, I didn’t start using tech again until about 8-9 months ago, I’m not so much into pc systems anymore, I’ve moved on to modding and customising mobile phones and tablets, that’s what this dinosaur is being set up for, just as a utility to service and flash these devices without having to invest in a machine to do it with, I’ll just have windows and linux, I don’t need a lot of processor power, I’ll only be doing coding and flashing, I’m looking into an external drive to store on and leave the system just to be the brain, I’m going to be doing more with what I connect to this system, the external stuff is where my power is gonna be, not this system itself, this system is just to power and drive my externals. Its not the best fastest or most powerful but it will serve its purpose, it doesn’t need to be a beast, just work properly. Also getting this system straight and set up is more about refamiliarizing myself with systems after all these years, refreshing my memory and knocking out the cobwebs to get back where I was at when I did Comm in military, I was into global networking and server building then, ill never be back at that level again because I won’t need that kind of skill anymore but I do want to learn more modern systems, with mobile devices like phones and tablets advancing the way they are then pc’s and systems as we know them now are going to become a thing of the past very soon, by then desktops will only be in business(where needed) and in industry, the laptop will disappear and tablet-like devices will render them a waste of time, I agree, my phone has way more power than this notebook, in fact a lot of the stuff I’ve done to set it up has been done through my phone, if It were possible to run the utilities I use through my phone or tab then I would but the tools and utilities I use only run on pc or Mac (don’t like mac) so like I said the dell is just to implement the things I do or create with my other devices and hardware, that’s why I’m stripping this down as much as possible to make it function in that capacity smoothly, not really worried about speed, just function. Thanks though, its more for the challenge than anything, I love a goid challenge.

Well, just to update, I’ve turned this thing into a solid usable system for the children now as I’ve just been given a HP pavilion a000, I’m in the midst of investigating what I can do with it instead, I’m sure its far more capable at a reasonable price, thanks for your help along the way, reading and doing everything here has taught me a lot of things I had forgotten I even knew how to do, I’m finding all that and skill once again, just trying to adapt it to more modern technology, a lot has changed in systems and networks in 20 years but its all basically the same, method hasn’t changed much just the parts and functions.

Its a useful skill to have, for me its mainly a hobby but I may use it more later on.

Right now I’m a PhD student at the moment however in the lab my Windows installation skills and ability to diagnose Windows OS have came in handy in the lab. I just done a 2 month intern in industry and they were pleasantly surprised to have someone who knew Dell hardware and the Windows OS as well as I do.

Also nice blog, I got a notification of pingback, just one typo 2 MB of RAM should be 2 GB. I also failed to get the video to work on Windows 8.

Man, I’ve decided to start fresh with this d610 because ive read that the order in which everything is installed effects performance, I have tried going through this guide and all the links on top of this page to figure out the order of installation of the various drivers and files in a step by step process of what to start with and what is the next step from start to finish but it is too spread out, there are notes everywhere saying that this needs to be installed before this and to install this you need this or that installed first, is there a more clear guide for the order of install for everything involved for installing the OS, drivers and their updates, additional applications and their updates, service packs, system files, and all, I’m looking for a step by step from start to finish, where can I find what I’m looking for, this installation requires so many things to be worked manually to get everything working properly and everything here is just too spread out and out of order that I can’t make clear sense of it, is there any help you can provide or a list that I can use instead of trying to bounce back and forth from link to link trying to get the order right, if I can’t find a ckear list then I’m not going to try this because this thing runs ok and I don’t want to start with a fresh install and then get confused or lost to the point that I can’t get it going again, I would really lime to get this thing clean installed properly so I can get the optimum performance, you’ve been very helpful and I’m grateful, I was hoping I could ask you for just one more favor in this process, thanks

Theres Dell documentation for driver installation order however I prefer my own. I give details for driver installation order are given here:

Of course its hard to write a generic driver installation order and things change with time. This is why my guides have alot of «ifs» because not everything applies to all configurations. The main importance is:

For Windows XP/Vista/7 the most important install order is the Service Packs (better covered by the WSUS Offline Update), Dell System Software and Intel Chipset then the rest.

For Windows XP, the conexant modem had to be installed before the audio otherwise audio didn’t work and a complete reinstall was required.

For Windows 8.1 there is no Dell System Software required and its best to directly install Windows 8.1 (opposed to the hassles of Windows 8.0 and updating it). Windows 8.1 doesn’t work well on this system.

You have used an unofficial driver set of mine so if you have installed the way I listed then this is already in the correct install order. It would be better if Dell also listed drivers in this order and we have requested this multiple times.

Ok, what I mean by needing it to be more clear what goes when is, for example, do I use the unofficial driver set that you put together or the dell set or both? Does the wsus offline update cover the SP1, IE11, Net framework, silverlight and security essentials, or do I do those myself? It mentions needing 5 things(2 optional) installed before IE11 will install, what five things are these? When do I install update catalog? I try to follow each section but each has links that say do this first, when I click that link it takes me to another page explaining how to do what is there so that what was on theprevious page can be installed but even that page has a link going to another page saying that it needs to be done before what the page before it is done even though that page is also something that has to be done before another thing, I’m getting turned around in the maze that you have created, my mind obviously doesn’t work like yours so what you have put together is not linear enough for me. It would have been better to make ONE page with all the steps listed in order with links to a page explaining each step then back to page one for the next step with a link to its explanation then back to page one for the next step and so on and so forth, im getting turned around and mislead having to jump from page to page having to piece together the order for each thing. So what I’m looking for as far as an outline of each step is like;

2) Install windows
3) Wsus? Drivers? What step after windows install? Where does service pack and IE11 and the other things fall in?
4) drivers?
5) update catalog?

I have the intel 915 so I won’t need the AMD drivers correct? All I’m going to be using is wifi, bluetooth, usb ports, and cd drive. I won’t be faxing or printing, using ethernet, I don’t have the insertable network card(can’t remember what its called) because the one this one came with is gone and I’m not concerned with replacing it unless you think it will give it some kind of benefit. Things like this that I listed will not be necessary for me, what in your list can be taken out since I won’t need them, I don’t know what drivers to keep and which ones to omit since I won’t be using the devices they are for.

Can you please help give me a better idea of the order of installation? I plan on starting with DBAN then install windows, then so on. You say to do the wsus for service packs ( what is included in the service packs and what isn’t?) then the Dell system software ( what is included in that?) Then the chipset ( what is in that?) Then the rest (what is the rest?) Basically as I’m trying to follow each of your links I’m not only getting lost on which step goes where but I’m also losing what is included in each step and what isn’t. I’ve been going through it for a day and a half trying to work out an itinerary of each file step by step, not just this set before this set, but I’m no closer to getting an understandable outline of each step because of the circles that all these links carry me in. If I can’t get a sensible progression of this file by file then I’m not even going to attempt installing anything. Youve been very helpful answering my questions on the minor things I was fixing before now but your explanation of the whole process from start to finish isn’t clear enough for someone unfamiliar or hasn’t done it yet, you understand it because you wrote it and you’ve done the install but I’m not finding specific enough answers trying to bounce around the pages trying to make sense of EXACTLY what goes where and when or what is included in each set and ehat isn’t. I’m sorry for my confusion but its been along time and your guide is starting to read like complicated stereo instructions or like a lawbook with sections, subsections and part this and part that and line this and line that and item this and item that. Sorry but I’m a perfectionist and I tend think along logical straight lines and this guide is a bit convoluted.

Don’t worry I like this type of feedback as I cannot understand my own writing as a end user, its actually helpful for me to see where users get lost and then improve the guide.

Because the installation media is not updated regularly (last update for WIndows 7 media about 2011, its now 2015) the media doesn’t always contain preinstallation drivers for newer models hence Windows cannot find the hard drive or configure itself on it. Your model is far older than Windows 7 so Windows 7 media has these and you do not need to bother loading these.

I found the WSUS Offline Update about half a year ago, it is better then installing the Service Pack manually as it applies all the Windows Updates including the Service Packs, updates required for Internet Explorer 11, Internet Explorer and options such as Microsoft.net. For a Windows 7 and Office 2010 installation these updates can be close to about 200, probably more now. Microsoft should have released Windows 7 SP2 but likely never will.

I left the other pages as people like to be able to quickly find links to download the Service Packs. The WSUS Offline Update guide is not as popular as I’d like it to be and its a really hidden gem of a utility which few IT pros seem to use or know about.

Through my own experience and on the forums I’ve found that installing the Service Packs after the drivers can severely crash the overall performance. If you look around you will see most if not all other Windows guides simply recommending factory settings and then Windows Updates which will just repeat these problems.

The Microsoft Update Catalog is just another location for some drivers. e.g. the ATI video variants of this model which you don’t have, you don’t need to bother with it.

The Hardware IDs guide you only need to check to identify variants, in your case the Intel video. The only other variation in your system will be the wireless card.

I’m starting with DBAN. Then I’m installing Win7pro, which set of files is next and what is included in that set, then the next set and what files are in that set, the next step and what files in that set, a step by step of file sets and what is in each step would be more understandable and helpful for me because I’m not understanding what is in each set because as I’m reading how to install a certain set, some of the steps say that something else must be done first but even that something else needs something done before it and it doesn’t explain very well which set it goes with or not.

3)next set and the files in the set?
4) next set and the files in the set?
5) next set and files included?

I’m not even sure I have all the files I need or even if I’ve got something dowlnloaded that I don’t need, remember that all I need is wifi, bluetooth, cd drive, and usb ports with wireless mouse, I can handle downloading and installing the files and doing the manual edits and installing the drivers for video and audio in the compatability that is required, I’m sorry if I have gotten on your nerves or seemed like an idiot but as I’ve said, I’ve been out of the game for a long time as this is the first thing I’ve messed with in all that time so I’m just a little lost and my unfamiliarity with process and terminology isn’t helping, lol. Its so unclear I’m ready to say nevermind.

Ok, so DBAN then win 7, then wsus, then dell starting with the chipset?
Where does BIOS fall in? Do I use only your unofficial driver set and not the dell set? I don’t have the wireless card for this thing, I’ll only be using wifi for web so which drivers can be omitted to reflect that? Hardware wise on this thing I’ll only be using the usb ports, cd drive for burning, audio and video, so which drivers do need to keep or get rid of to reflect this also? I’ll be using a wireless optical mouse so I won’t need the touchpad, can the touchpad drivers be left out also? I won’t be printing or doing any photos on this system so which drivers can be left out to reflect that? I won’t be using peripheral monitor so I don’t need the driver to run that port, I won’t be using docking station so I won’t need the drivers for it either. I only need the realtek driver and not the amd drivers correct? I won’t be using ethernet so I won’t need the driver to run it. I’m trying to simply my driver set so I don’t install anything I don’t need, any ideas? Once again thank you for clarifying in your answer above me.

You are best to install all the drivers I list except the AMD video drivers which don’t apply to your system and in total they take up very little room, you can get away without installing the touchpad driver and it’ll use the native driver in Windows 7 but its only a few MB so I see little point trying to cut back on it.

The BIOS update is a firmware update and once applied does not get removed, regardless whether the OS is reinstalled, you will never need to update this systems BIOS again as there will never be a newer update.

How can you not be using a wireless card but using WiFi? Do you have an external USB dongle?

I have no idea, the card goes in the slot above the hard drive correct? Its this piece that im missing. I can turn on the wireless by press fn+f3 and it connects to wifi, or am I confused about what the wireless card is, I don’t have a smart card or the other piece (I may try to find one so that bluetooth can be enabled, that piece of hardware is what has the bluetooth capability isn’t it? I have win 7 pro already set to go on a bootable usb so I just use WSUS to cover the service pack, IE11, Net framework, silverlight and all that correct? Or is there something in addition to that? Then I just go for your unofficial driver set correct? You say that the BIOS doesn’t need to be reapplied after reinstallation, DBAN doesn’t wipe that out? I still have the e:\ partition for recovery, how do I keep this setup in the new installation, I would prefer to keep the partition for safety sake, or do you suggest that I make backups to a usb drive and just let the wipe and install incorporate the partition back into user space? I’m still setting this up for children’s use but I’m still going to make sure its set right and has no issues so that if the kids mess something up I won’t have as much junk to pick through to find the problem, and maintaining will be much simpler. Well I think from your responses that I’ve pretty much got a straight idea about this now, now its time for me to make sure I’ve got all my files together and grouped in the order they go, is there a way to pack the drivers together so that they auto install in orderthe way WSUS does, or do I manually install and restart for the drivers that require a restart? Do I do the compatabilty patching for audio and video after all the drivers are installed or should I do that as I install them? Normally I wouldn’t care too much about the order, the only reason I’ve asked so much is just to be sure that I come out with the optimum setup so that it runs as smooth as possible, somewhere along the line in the servicing I’ve done so far has added about 30-40% to the occupied memory, it was substantially less before I started, it had over half the drive with empty space but now there’s only 10GB free, this makes me think theres a lot of stuff that doesn’t need to be there, that’s why I’ve decided to just start over, I can’t seem to find where all the extra data is at, I’ve only installed two applications and a few drivers since I started on this thing so it shouldn’t have added as much as is showing in memory, its almost taking up twice as much as what I started with, I was looking for some kind of application that would find my duplicate files and any files that aren’t required or files that are obsolete because of updates, my intention was to just remove all the extra stuff that is there but isn’t needed without having to go folder to folder, file to file but I can’t tell what is needed and what isn’t, I tried installing the update for disk cleanup that is supposed to find all the outdated files, drivers and duplicate files but it wouldn’t install, I also tried spy hunter but it wouldn’t install either, I’ve tried uninstalling applications that seem to be apps that didn’t come with windows but some files seem to be missing from these apps so they won’t unistall unless I reinstall them but I can’t find the installers for them in any of the folders I’ve searched through, with all the extra stuff, missing files and such I’ve decided it would just be best to redo everything but I was trying to avoid getting into all that arduous install, but it seems to be my best option. Thanks again


Поделиться с друзьями
Программист: Dell laptop
Классификация: Портативный-компьютер
Конфигурация: Latitude
Серии: D610
Операционные системы: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11