siemens nx системные требования компьютера





While software like AutoCAD serves the vast majority of design needs for large sections of the design and engineering industry, there is still a lot of scope for truly high-end design applications.

Siemens NX brings these highly specialised, high-end CAD, CAM,CAE and PLM functions to desktop workstations. This means that NX is more than just a design package, but also a system for engineering simulation and manufacturing. As soon as a piece of software needs to accurately simulate real-world physics we move into the realm of high-performance computing and therefore choosing the right machine to run NX is a very important consideration if you want to complete job in a timely fashion.

NX will run on Mac OS, Unix-like systems and any Windows version from XP onwards. What really matters to NX is not your OS, but the hardware you give it to work with.

Unlike AutoCAD which will run on very modest machines and is for the most part single threaded, NX is a well-threaded application. It is appetite for threads is not unlimited however, so single threaded performance still matters a lot. The problem is that the more cores you have on a single die the lower the available thermal limit is for each active core. So a Xeon processor with a 3.5Ghz turbo frequency will only achieve those speeds if you are only using a fraction of its cores. If all cores are fully loaded they may drop down by nearly half as much in terms of frequency.

It is therefore worth looking for a processor that has a small difference between its turbo speed and nominal minimum. This usually means Xeons with 12 or 8 cores. Of course another strategy is to use better cooling on high core-count CPUs to allow for more thermal leeway.

NX also makes a strong case for a dual socket computer where the thermal load is spread between two separate CPU dies. This means that you can both a high core-count AND high clock speed. The ideal money-is-no-objectќ configuration would be a dual socket system with many cores and high-performance cooling to keep single-thread performance as high as possible.

Since NX is core hungry you will need a system that can feed all the threads with data. A high-speed SSD as a primary drive and at least 16GB (32GB preferred) of RAM will be needed.

Operating systems supported by Siemens NX:
Microsoft Windows 10
Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1
Microsoft Windows 7 Pro and Enterprise editions
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server/Desktop 1 1 SP1
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server/Desktop 6.0


Siemens nx системные требования компьютера

Хотелось бы увидеть несколько конфигураций, одну без sdd

Что хочется: Системник для максимально долгой работы без апгрейда с максимально хорошим железом подходящим под эфиктивную работу с NX8 (Cad и Cam ), Excel, Word, Access (базы данных)

menu open

что мне предложили

Процессор Intel Xeon E3-1220 v2 OEM
Кулер Arctic Cooling Freezer 11 LP (UCACO-P2000000-BL)
Оперативная память 8Gb DDR4 2133MHz Crucial ECC (CT8G4WFD8213) х4шт
Материнская плата Gigabyte GA-X150-PRO ECC
Профессиональная видеокарта nVidia Quadro K620 HP PCI-E 2048Mb (J3G87AA)
Твердотельный накопитель 480Gb SSD SmartBuy Ignition 4 (SB480GB-IGNT4-25SAT3)
Жесткий диск 1Tb SATA-III Toshiba P300 (HDWD110EZSTA)
Блок питания 350W SeaSonic SSP-350ST OEM
Корпус Zalman ZM-T1 Plus Black
Вентилятор для корпуса Arctic Cooling F12 PWM PST CO
Microsoft Windows 10 Professional 64-bit Russian 1pk DSP OEI DVD (FQC-08909)

так думаю изменить
Процессор Intel Xeon E3-1220 v2 OEM
Кулер Arctic Cooling Freezer 11 LP (UCACO-P2000000-BL)
Оперативная память 8Gb DDR4 2133MHz Crucial ECC (CT8G4WFD8213) х4шт
Материнская плата Gigabyte GA-X150-PRO ECC
Профессиональная видеокарта nVidia Quadro K620 HP PCI-E 2048Mb (J3G87AA)
Твердотельный накопитель 240Gb SSD OCZ Trion 150 (TRN150-25SAT3-240G)
Жесткий диск 1Tb SATA-III Toshiba P300 (HDWD110EZSTA)
Блок питания 350W SeaSonic SSP-350ST OEM
Корпус Zalman ZM-T1 Plus Black
Вентилятор для корпуса Arctic Cooling F12 PWM PST CO
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1 Russian DSP OEI DVD (FQC-04673/FQC-08297)


NX 11 System Requirements

NX11 System Requirement Guidelines:

Defining the minimum system requirements is difficult because key requirements, most notably memory, can vary dramatically from user to user.
The following are general guidelines that you should consider before purchasing a system.

Processor performance

Although raw processor speed has a major impact on system performance, other factors also contribute to overall performance; for example, the type of disk drive (SCSI, ATA, or Serial ATA), disk speed, memory speed, graphics adapter, and bus speeds. The general rule is that “the faster the processor, the better the performance is,” but this only applies when comparing like architectures. For example, it is difficult to arrive at performance expectations for an Intel processor when compared to an AMD processor just by looking at their respective processor speeds. There is also a general trend today to de-emphasize processor speeds and move to multi-core processors, which actually can have lower processor speeds.

Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) is supported in NX mostly via Parasolid, although a small number of NX capabilities have some threading. In general, it is not possible to quote a figure for the general performance improvement achieved by using SMP, since this improvement depends on the nature of the operations you are performing. You need to evaluate your actual performance gains using your own models. Functional areas that are SMP enabled in Parasolid include:

SMP is enabled by default with the variable UGII_SMP_ENABLE, which is located in the ugii_env_ug.dat file.


Multi-core processors are similar to SMP because there are two or more actual processor cores but they are delivered in single processor packages. Siemens PLM Software has found that multi-core performance characteristics are similar to SMP. The one advantage of multi-core processors over SMP is that this technology has proliferated much faster than SMP and is now common in workstations, servers, and laptops.

Multi-core technology is complex and, depending on the configuration, can actually have a negative impact on performance. This is due to the potential conflict of multiple cores sharing system resources, such as cache, memory, and bus bandwidth, as well the need for the system to manage and control an increasing number of cores. Increasing the number of cores does not always translate into better performance. Although additional cores can improve NX performance, processor speed is still a vital measurement of NX performance.

Many systems enable you to turn off cores via the bios, which can enable you to compare performance with a different number of cores that are active. Some users may find that turning off some cores will actually improve performance. One micro-architecture (Intel) even does this automatically, shutting down unused cores and increasing the clock speed of the others.

The hardware vendors continue to improve their processor micro-architectures to better address the limitations of older multi-core technologies. New subsystems better integrate memory and other peripherals directly to the processors, resulting in major performance improvements. Buses are being eliminated, cores are better managed, and channel speeds continue to improve.


For Windows 7, the minimum amount of memory is 4 GB, but we recommend 8 GB or 16 GB of memory as a starting point. Large models and assemblies or running multiple processes concurrently could boost the required memory for adequate performance.

Graphics adapters

All the NX certified systems contain graphics adapters that meet all Siemens PLM Software requirements and are fully supported by our hardware partners. The graphics adapters supported are carefully selected by working with our OEM partners as well as our graphics vendor partners. We do not recommend low-end, consumer, or game cards, since these graphics devices are developed for the DirectX market and are not well supported under OpenGL. Because a majority of platform/hardware problems are graphics related, it is critical that all the graphics adapters that NX supports are designed for OpenGL and have the highest level of support from our hardware vendors. We highly recommend that you only use supported graphics adapters and Siemens PLM Software certified drivers.

If you are running Microsoft Windows 7 you will require graphics adapters with more on-board memory, especially when AERO (the enhanced 3D feature) is turned on. The minimum recommended graphics on-board memory is 256 MB, and although graphics adapters with less memory will work, the performance may not be adequate, even with AERO turned off. If you have high-end graphics requirements, you will need to consider graphics adapters with 512 MB or higher on-board memory.

For the latest information on certified graphics cards and driver versions, please visit the Customer Support (GTAC) Web site.

Multiple monitors

Siemens PLM Software supports multi-monitors but with limitations. These limitations were necessary due to the large number of possible configurations. Other combinations may work, but these conditions are tested and supported by Siemens PLM Software. These guidelines could be extended or relaxed in the future.

The following is a summary of findings for the support of multiple monitors.

You do not have to comply with the configurations mentioned above, but Siemens must be able to duplicate the problem on the configurations in our labs before being able to investigate your issues.


Siemens nx системные требования компьютера

Лизинг оборудования — это одно из наиболее эффективных финансовых решений для бизнеса, позволяющих юридическому лицу модернизировать производственные мощности предприятия и оптимизировать его работу. При этом от Вас не потребуется значительного отвлечения собственных денежных средств.


Условия финансирования

Объем финансирования Индивидуально
Аванс от 10%
График платежей Индивидуально
Срок договора лизинга до 5 лет

Требования к клиенту

Лизинг открывает совершенно новые возможности для организаций любого масштаба. Если Вы стремитесь эффективно развивать бизнес и усиливать свои позиции на рынке, то финансовые решения Газпромбанк Лизинг способны помочь Вам достигнуть поставленных целей. Благодаря сотрудничеству с надежными отечественными и зарубежными производителями мы гарантируем выгодные условия финансовой аренды оборудования.

При заключении договора Вы можете самостоятельно выбрать предмет лизинга и график лизинговых платежей или доверить этот вопрос нашим специалистам. Оставьте онлайн-заявку на нашем сайте, и мы свяжемся с Вами в течение одного рабочего дня.

Импортпром осуществляет полный спектр услуг по поставке, монтажу и вводу в эксплуатацию предлагаемого металлообрабатывающего оборудования с ЧПУ. В согласованные с Заказчиком сроки до момента поставки оборудования покупателю направляются чертежи фундамента под оборудование, требования к подключению и коммуникациям, а, в случае необходимости, чертежи технологической оснастки, ведомость вспомогательного и режущего инструмента, необходимого для обработки деталей Заказчика.

Шеф-монтаж, сборку, наладку и пуск в эксплуатацию, а также инструктаж специалистов покупателя проводят только сертифицированные производителем оборудования сотрудники.

В процессе ввода оборудования в эксплуатацию также возможна разработка тех.процессов и управляющих программ, которая включает в себя:

lizing 3

Инструктаж персонала, эксплуатирующего и обслуживающего поставленное оборудование, включает в себя следующую программу:

Импорптрпом гарантирует качество поставляемого оборудования. Гарантийное обслуживание металлообрабатывающего оборудования является неотъемлемой составляющей каждого договора поставки. В течение всего гарантийного периода Импортпром обеспечивает Заказчика консультациями по использованию и поддержке станка. В случае выхода оборудования из строя в течение гарантийного срока производится оперативный выезд специалиста последующей диагностикой и ремонтом станка.

servisnoe obsluzhivanie

Гарантийное обслуживание не распространяется на неисправности, появившиеся по вине Заказчика при:

Заключение договора на послегарантийное обслуживание носит рекомендательный характер. Нашими специалистами накоплен немалый опыт по восстановлению работоспособности оборудования, находившегося много лет в эксплуатации.

В нашей компании принята многоуровневая система допуска специалистов, производящих гарантийное обслуживание оборудования. Ежеквартально ведется аттестация, по итогам которой специалистам присваивается очередная квалификация и допуск к определенному виду работ на том или ином оборудовании. Потенциал оказания сервисных услуг подтвержден сертификатами, выданными заводами изготовителями.

Телефон 8(800) 201-02-30,


NX 12 System Requirements

NX12 System Requirement Guidelines:

Defining the minimum system requirements is difficult because key requirements, most notably memory, can vary dramatically from user to user.
The following are general guidelines that you should consider before purchasing a system.

Processor performance

Although raw processor speed has a major impact on system performance, other factors also contribute to overall performance; for example, the type of disk drive (SCSI, ATA, or Serial ATA), disk speed, memory speed, graphics adapter, and bus speeds. The general rule is that “the faster the processor, the better the performance is,” but this only applies when comparing like architectures. For example, it is difficult to arrive at performance expectations for an Intel processor when compared to an AMD processor just by looking at their respective processor speeds. There is also a general trend today to de-emphasize processor speeds and move to multi-core processors, which actually can have lower processor speeds.

Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) is supported in NX mostly via Parasolid, although a small number of NX capabilities have some threading. In general, it is not possible to quote a figure for the general performance improvement achieved by using SMP, since this improvement depends on the nature of the operations you are performing. You need to evaluate your actual performance gains using your own models. Functional areas that are SMP enabled in Parasolid include:

SMP is enabled by default with the variable UGII_SMP_ENABLE, which is located in the ugii_env_ug.dat file.


Multi-core processors are similar to SMP because there are two or more actual processor cores but they are delivered in single processor packages. Siemens PLM Software has found that multi-core performance characteristics are similar to SMP. The one advantage of multi-core processors over SMP is that this technology has proliferated much faster than SMP and is now common in workstations, servers, and laptops.

Multi-core technology is complex and, depending on the configuration, can actually have a negative impact on performance. This is due to the potential conflict of multiple cores sharing system resources, such as cache, memory, and bus bandwidth, as well the need for the system to manage and control an increasing number of cores. Increasing the number of cores does not always translate into better performance. Although additional cores can improve NX performance, processor speed is still a vital measurement of NX performance.

Many systems enable you to turn off cores via the bios, which can enable you to compare performance with a different number of cores that are active. Some users may find that turning off some cores will actually improve performance. One micro-architecture (Intel) even does this automatically, shutting down unused cores and increasing the clock speed of the others.

The hardware vendors continue to improve their processor micro-architectures to better address the limitations of older multi-core technologies. New subsystems better integrate memory and other peripherals directly to the processors, resulting in major performance improvements. Buses are being eliminated, cores are better managed, and channel speeds continue to improve.


For Windows 10, the minimum amount of memory is 4 GB, but we recommend 8 GB or 16 GB of memory as a starting point. Large models and assemblies or running multiple processes concurrently could boost the required memory for adequate performance.

Graphics adapters

All the NX certified systems contain graphics adapters that meet all Siemens PLM Software requirements and are fully supported by our hardware partners. The graphics adapters supported are carefully selected by working with our OEM partners as well as our graphics vendor partners. We do not recommend low-end, consumer, or game cards, since these graphics devices are developed for the DirectX market and are not well supported under OpenGL. Because a majority of platform/hardware problems are graphics related, it is critical that all the graphics adapters that NX supports are designed for OpenGL and have the highest level of support from our hardware vendors. We highly recommend that you only use supported graphics adapters and Siemens PLM Software certified drivers.

If you are running Microsoft Windows 10 you will require graphics adapters with more on-board memory, especially when AERO (the enhanced 3D feature) is turned on. The minimum recommended graphics on-board memory is 256 MB, and although graphics adapters with less memory will work, the performance may not be adequate, even with AERO turned off. If you have high-end graphics requirements, you will need to consider graphics adapters with 512 MB or higher on-board memory.

For the latest information on certified graphics cards and driver versions, please visit the Customer Support (GTAC) Web site.

Multiple monitors

Siemens PLM Software supports multi-monitors but with limitations. These limitations were necessary due to the large number of possible configurations. Other combinations may work, but these conditions are tested and supported by Siemens PLM Software. These guidelines could be extended or relaxed in the future.

The following is a summary of findings for the support of multiple monitors.

You do not have to comply with the configurations mentioned above, but Siemens must be able to duplicate the problem on the configurations in our labs before being able to investigate your issues.


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