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Project Zomboid b41.36 играть по сети и интернету ЛАН
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MuniZipal Buildings
Hey all, hope this finds you well.
Following on from the release of 41.54, and then its 41.55 patch last week, we are planning on a fairly imminent small 41.56 release to put to bed a few final issues with the sound mix – specifically the ‘cutting out’ issues that arise around busy moments when there’s a lot of zombies, rain and puddle footsteps.
This should be released early next week, and this is the fairly miniature current changelist, after which we will be full steam ahead on a bigger and more features-led build.
Whether or not that will be the full Louisville release is still in the balance, we’ve got a few other smaller things brewing that are closer to being ready alongside further noises dropping into the mix. Alongside updates to various game systems we’ll have drinking sounds from different sources (glass bottle, plastic, cups etc), filling sounds for different containers and all the more individual weapon noises ready before the new map is – most likely.
Let’s get on with it though, as it’s an MP work update blog this time around – so here’s Yuri from the Strike Force checking in with some details on where they are all at.
“We’ve spent the past month focused on improving player combat with zombies and PVP.”
“A lot of things in the animation system have been fixed and polished in the way they work in MP. For example, during zed fights various glitches could occur due to the animation system having incorrect transitions, or not having states in then. This works fine in SP, but causes some issues when it comes to multiplayer.”
“A good example could be simply when a player attacks a zombie, and it leads a zed reaction that’s a hit or a fall. In SP, at this point, the zombie can’t receive a second hit, since it manages to finish the animation before the player can hit a second time.”
“In MP, this sort of situation can become possible – and, for example, getting secondary hit from another separate player at the moment of the fall suddenly leads to the teleportation of the zombie back to a standing position, and a second reaction to the blow.”
“Elsewhere we have seriously improved the synchronization of many visual things: so that’s necessary stuff like displaying player damage, bleeding characters, pools of blood on floors and blood stains on the walls etc. There’s also work been done on synchronising many and varied different player actions on different players’ screens.”
“The game is getting more and more smooth at the moment. We have really cut down on bugs related to teleportation and the desynchronization of player and zombie positions. Now things are increasingly polished on our smaller scale test server, we can move on to testing the servers with more testers, fake clients and MP clients with split-screens next month without fear that we’re seeing unfixed smaller issues exacerbated by the higher playercounts.”
“There’s clearly other issues we’ve been working on too – like making some car improvements in MP. We’ve had bugs like incorrect car wheel displays, and strange collisions with cars that aren’t moving that needed some work. There’s still various other issues with the car physics we would like to address during car collisions with other cars and with players.”
Meanwhile, on a separate internal test beta, it’s been a super exciting time for our map team who have had a group of excitable recruits poring over their work and reporting all manner of blocked doorways, wonky rooftops and errant furniture throughout our new city extension.
Now, before we go any further another reminder that our version of Louisville is exactly that: it is not a direct recreation of the real thing in terms of locations or in size, but will have some familiar elements. Likewise skyscrapers are absent due to both our game’s height limit of eight storeys and gameplay sensibilities.
With all that said, by the scale of our current map it is huuuge and includes many and varied new locations and environments to explore and survive in. Going from house to house and building to building and checking everything in the main body of the city took a whole week with work divided between three people – and there was a lot of cooing and excitement going on as they did so.
Here’s a quick teaser video of some of the locations that were visited:
Alongside the bugs being discovered and fixed there are many and various things that have to be done for Louisville before release – we need a new zombie heat map to spawn the zeds, we need new businesses and areas properly zoned, we need new loot distributions and as a little treat for ourselves we are also going to be making some new fun outfits and clothing items for the zombies and wardrobes of some of the new different sorts of buildings and districts you’ll come across.
One fly in the ointment will be that the existing lore, which we intend to stick with and develop in future, posits that Louisville is initially barred to survivors within the exclusion zone. We didn’t want to jam in a needless ‘not-developed-enough’ obstruction in front of such a hotly anticipated map expansion.
As such, for the immediate future, our current thoughts are that we will instead be dropping in a few day’s worth of ‘parallel reality’ news reports that reflect an earlier infection surge in LV for those who spawn there, or who make the journey there from the existing map.
Those who enjoy the existing lore will also be able to explore various locations described within it too – and maybe even meet the zombies of some of the people you’ve watched or heard.
Finally in LV thoughts, the rest of the map is getting a lick of paint too – there’ll be a few new locations popping up, general prettiness improvements to wilderness and bodies of water and of course Ayrton’s lovely curves. Here’s a quick look at those in action.
Finally this week, a quick update on the improvement to the currently rather static foraging mode we have in-game. For those not in the loop this is going to be a more active system that has you moving through areas in a sort of ‘search mode’ – that represents your character scouring and focussing on the floor then finding scavenged/foraged items and trash.
We have also now bound this system to help find newly super-small (since 41.54) placed 3D items like car keys, bullets and small items of food. It will also come into play indoors when searching for floorboard stashes flagged by loot maps, and various other future in-game instances.
This week we have also been experimenting with some visual effects that will highlight both when the mode is engaged, and how wide your search radius is dependent on your foraging level, light/weather conditions and your speed of movement.
Please take this video as a WIP! The system and the appearance of the circle is liable to be changed, receive polish etc.
We are also thinking about using various different applications of this ‘vision shader’ (variations of which can be seen in this earlier tech demo) to add new challenge/gameplay to traits, helmets and accessories that would have an impact on a character’s vision.
This week’s scenic zed nightmare from Yana. A changelist of all IWBUMS patches since the 41 beta was released can be found here. A general list of stuff added to PZ, and vids of features being worked on, is kept here – so you don’t have to plough through endless dev blogs for info. The Centralized Block of Italicised Text would like to direct your attention to the PZ Wiki should you feel like editing or amending something, and the PZ Mailing List that can send you update notifications once builds get released. We also live on Twitter right here! Our Discord is open for chat and hijinks too!
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Project Zomboid — официальное русское сообщество запись закреплена
Project Zomboid — официальное русское сообщество запись закреплена
Если вы следите за официальным блогом, то, должно быть, заметили, что в последних выпусках разработчики очень оптимистично смотрели на текущее состояние сборки, но, чем больше тестирований проводилось, тем яснее становилось, что решение проблемы станет невозможным, если наработки откроют для всех желающих.
Будущий релиз сетевого режима возможно станет важнейшим событием в истории игры. Публичное тестирование кривого мультиплеера заведет разработку в тупик: игроки испортят себе впечатление, а разработчики утонут в море отчётов об ошибках и просьб о помощи. Работать в таких условиях будет нереально. Это путь к выгоранию, но никак не к достойному финалу.
[[Поэтому не нужно гадить в отзывах стима или создавать петиции. Необходимо понять, что ранний доступ мало чем отличается от краудфандинга.]]
Разработка мультиплеера предположительно продлится ещё минимум (!) 6 месяцев.
Команда приносит глубокие извинения всем, кто разочарован данной новостью, и просит понимания. Если они выпустят сырой продукт, плохо от этого будет всем.
Судя по всему, в скором времени расширится штат (ищут новых программистов), и будут проведены различные организационные изменения, чтобы обеспечить максимальную эффективность работы команды и ускорить разработку.
Теперь хорошие новости.
После этого начнется внедрение нового контента:
1. новые звуки от Noiseworks (для тех, кто не заглядывает в блог прикрепили видео из прошлого недельника);
2. Луисвилл (ещё одно расширение карты);
3. различные «классные геймплейные возможности» (о них расскажут в другой раз).
К слову, не удивляйтесь, когда заглянете в блог в следующий четверг, ибо «недельники» с этого момента становятся «двухнедельниками».
В конце записи команда благодарит за чтение и ещё раз просит прощения за ошибку в прогнозах и чрезмерный оптимизм. Тем, кто следит за игрой только ради мультиплеера, предлагают на какое-то время отложить зомбоид.
На этом у нас всё. До новых встреч.
[[Текст в двойных скобках является личным мнением автора данного поста и никак не связан с разработчиками игры]]
Project zomboid на двоих на одном компьютере
The map is now compatible with the eris minimap mod thanks to Trash Queen 🙂
Fits into the vanilla map and doesn.
This is the almost latest model in Mercedes-AMG’s Sports sedan.
add 3 color (silver, white, black)
not replace any car.
please use B41 IWUMBS
This is the almost latest model in Mercedes-Benz’s flagship lineup.
add 3 color (black, grey, white) 2017 S-Class.
not replace anycar.
Sedan version of the most iconic hatchback ever, it was a huge hit in the Americas, now right here in Project Zomboid, now with even more load capacity! Well balanced handling, load capacity and performance with gear ratios from a rl mk2.
Iconic SUV from 1991, perfect fit for your post apocalyptic world of project ZOMBOID
Great off road and ok on road, plenty of space to aid you in your next hoarding spree.
To celebrate 30k subscribers I went back and added a 2-door variant with it’s.
Get a Screwdriver, a Wrench, a Lug Wrench and a Jack.
Find a car you can spare, and just start training with.
Complete overhaul to item categories and various name tweaks. Compatible with Build 41, Build 40, and multiplayer!
This mod can be safely added or removed from any Saved game.
WTF is «Item»? Sounds too vag.
Traverse a destroyed town and find guns. This is mostly a proof of concept map and isn’t a major project.
The map is now compatible with.
Arsenal(26) GunFighter mod and Mod Options mod must also be installed before playing mod.
If both mods are not properly installed, an error may occur.
I always hated grinding out Metalworking/Electricity/Mechanics every game. I liked how CDDA did their skill leveling which is by sitting in a dark corner and reading a book. This mod enables you to do that.
IMPORTANT GAMEPLAY CHANGE: You will now find boats in relevant areas (harbours, beaches, islands, etc)
While the whole world is watching the terrible events in Kentucky (U.
Due to the fact that the game is not suitable for modding clothes, I was able to implement only 30% of the ideas. That’s why I need a programmer who understands LUA.
I need the help of a programmer for the correct work of the mod.
Clothes for you and the.
A collection of tiles, this mod as a standalone will not have any effect on the game. This mod simply does the behinds the scenes magic to make all the tiles function as intended.
The tile files themselves can be found here:
Easy to use custom mod menu used with mods I make.
Explore the unknown and rebuild civilization, this map is in development if you like my work you can support me in the following links:
Built for version 41.53+
This mod doesn’t add any new item, it just change the vanilla armors and clothes
Press HOME or POS1 key to show and hide the map.
The hotkey can be changed in PZ’s keybinding options menu.
This is a plugin that adds the community map Blackwood to eris_minimap.
This is a plugin that adds the community map Fort Knox to eris_minimap.
This is a plugin that adds the community map Fort Redstone to eris_minimap.
This is a plugin that adds the community map Grapeseed to eris_minimap.
This is a plugin that adds the community map Little Township to eris_minimap.
This is a plugin that adds the community map Over the River to eris_minimap.
This is a plugin that adds the community map Raven Creek to eris_minimap.
This is a plugin that adds the community map West Point Expansion to eris_minimap.
Exercise with your Gear on!
Normally the game forces your character to take off their backpack and remove any equipped items.
What this mod does:
This mod removes that functionality from the game. Your character skips that step and can perform exe.
Hi Survivors!
I’ve created this new version of Fort Knox to allow players to use
this map alongside Eerie County since they were in the same spot,
south of Muldraugh.
Following the road southwest of Fort Knox, you’ll reach Eren City, a location in Ee.
Woldren and The Walking Dead Project staff are pleased to present Fort Knox!
Over 3 months of work to complete this map.
140 cells for a total of 49500 m ^2.
The map is located on south of Muldraugh and it is connected to the main road.
Requires a new saved after subscribing for it to appear in the world.
This is a Military base located North West out of Rosewoo.
Welcome to the Aquatsar Yacht Club!
We strongly recommend that you passed an initial briefing. The Club member is obliged to strictly follow the rules of this instruction. Violation of the rules can lead to serious injury or even death.
Dear Clients! We are glad to announce that Autotsar has opened a new tuning studio!
The difference between the tuned version and the original:
A mod presented by the Coco Labs community focusing on increasing the possibilities with the game liquids. Store liquid in a «Water Jug» and «Large Gas Can». Take and Place Water Jugs on any dispenser to refill them.
Become the ultimate survivalist with these military surplus rations.
It’s no fun to be spoonfed how to find these, but they’ll turn up in places where it would be reasonable for them to be!
There’s several different entrees, sides and beverages.
Created for IWBUMS Build 41.50!
Doesn’t work in 41.51+!/b]
Build up your laboratory, fill it with equipment and find a cure for the zombie virus.
NOTE: West Point Expansion is now included as a community map online at the PZ Map Project. You can explore the map in greater detail here: https://map.projectzomboid.com/?desc=WestPointExpansion_20201130L0
This is an updated version of the ORGM mod made by Fenris Wolf.
This mod adds a plethora of guns, ammo, mods and mechanics. For a full list, see the link below.
This mod is still under development but will not be updated for 41 until it leaves IWBUMS.
Adds a Silencer / Suppressor as a weapon part that can be attach.
Little Township is a small community in the middle of Knox County near Pony Roam-O.
Works for B40 & B41
This little town adds:
— Several new houses
— A farm
— Fossoil fuel station + Ice parlor
— Mojo’s Motel
— Grace’s Groceries
— Brandon’s Bar
Minimal Display Bars 4.3.5
Add the unread mark on the book’s icon that has not been read or has been read only halfway.
Confirmed to work with IWBUMS 41.55.
How much fuel is there in the pump? (For Build 41.51+)
When I was a boy, my dad took me to his friend’s gas station. While dad was hanging out with his friend, I wandered the station, and noticed that there was a little display on the pumps indicating.
Higher quality retextures of the police trooper clothing, adding proper West Point police patches and badges.
Police Deputy not included.
PS: Keep in mind, PZ’s clothing texures are very small and even though I upscaled them from 256 x 256 to 512 x 512.
This mod started its creation before the anouncment that trailers would be added in vanilla, It was held off until the release of that update, and is now finally here!
Its designed to work alongside Aiterons amazing Better Towing mod.
It adds a new vehicl.
This is a quality of life mod with the main goal of tidying up the build menu for both Carpentry and Metalworking. Some new buildables from the base game are also added.