мод на майнкрафт бен 10 на компьютер

Ben 10 Reboot Data Pack

Join the Discord server to receive new updates, preview images, give ideas for new updates, and report bugs! https://discord.gg/Ue3RFMe

— The Omnitrix:
Throw an emerald, a nether star, and an iron block on the ground to get the Season 1 Omnitrix.
Put the Omnitrix in your off-hand, and in the ninth slot, right-click to cycle through the aliens. When an alien is chosen, shift and right-click to transform.
When Omnitrix times out (3 minutes), it enters the recharge mode and takes 30 seconds to recharge.
Omnitrix Upgrades:
To Season 2 Omnitrix: Sneak and right-click in the ninth slot using Upgrade.
To Season 3 Omnitrix: Defeat High Override.
To Season 4 Omnitrix: When you summon the Season 1 Omnitrix, a key is summoned together, but you need the Season 3 Omnitrix to get it. When you have the key, hold it in your main hand and Season 3 Omnitrix in your off-hand and click.

— The Antitrix:
Get it using this command: «/function bentenr:cheats/get_antitrix»

In the eighth slot, you get faster.
In the ninth slot, you get even faster.
In the ninth and eighth slots, you can run on the water.
Has step assist.
Run around mobs to create a tornado around them.

You can use your electric tail in the seventh slot to shoot a large shock blast, but you need to charge it by running, the faster you run, the faster your tail will be charged.
When your tail is charged it will release particles

Diamondhead has the default Minecraft tools: pickaxe, shovel, axe, hoe, and sword.
Right-click in the ninth slot to change the tool.
The tools are unbreakable.
There is also the «Free Build», which creates fake and unbreakable diamond blocks, they disappear after a while.
Diamondhead can shoot diamond shards in the eighth slot
Can create diamond spikes in nearby mobs by sneaking in the eighth slot.

Diamond shards, spikes, and sword electrocute.
Has an electric blade in the sixth slot, you can charge it by getting shot by lasers, shock blasts, High Override shoots, or lightning bolts
The more charged your electric blade is, the stronger it will be
When your electric blade is charged you can shoot a large shock blast
If your electric blade is charged too much (10), it will lose all its charge and you will get wither

Only in Season 1 Omnitrix
Right-click while sneaking in the ninth slot to upgrade Omnitrix to the 2 season.
Upgrade can upgrade some blocks and mobs:

Only in Season 1 and 2 Omnitrix
Strong and resistant
Can fly in the ninth slot
Can shoot water blasts in the eighth slot.
In the seventh slot:
Without controlling any water, click while sneaking to absorb water and ice near you
Click without sneaking pointing to water to control it
Click without sneaking while controlling water to launch it
Click while sneaking and controlling water to absorb it, and then you can launch a big water blast
Has water blades in the sixth slot.

Omni-Enhanced Overflow has water cannons in the fifth slot, click to launch a big electrified water blast, click while sneaking to create ice walls or freeze water

In the ninth slot: click to shoot a vine projectile, click while sneaking to shoot a vine that, when touching a block, will take you to the block.
In the eighth slot: click to throw a vine trap, click while sneaking to throw explosive seeds.

Omni-Enhanced Wildvine has the same powers, but they electrocute.


Ben 10 Lucraft Addon

This addonpack adds the Omnitrix and other aspects from the cartoon «Ben 10»

Join the Discord for support, news on updates, FAQ, and a Minecraft server!



Charm Of Electrokinesis
Charm Of Luck
Charm Of Pyrokinesis
Charm Of Resurrection
Charm Of Telekinesis
Keystone Of Bezel
(Note That All Charms Are Creative For The Time Being)

Piscciss Volann Respirator
Different Colored Level 10 Hazmat Suits (Corrodium/Radiation Immunity)
Charm Necklace (For Charms Of Bezel)
Future Gwen Outfit (For Charms Of Bezel)
V1 & V2 Plumber Suits

Minecraft Java Version 1.12.2
Make sure that you use the Galvan Signal Device instead of just getting the watch through creative or it will not function properly. Also make sure that you take off your armor when you scan a wolf for Loboan DNA, as it deletes whatever’s in your armor slots. For more information such as obtaining master control join the discord link above! You can track the progress/upcoming features on the addon through the discord or on the trello page (click here). I have not put in a timer on the sidebar for a more authentic/genuine Ben 10 experience, although if you would like to see the timer the command is listed here: /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar Timer.

Nexominer for codeveloping the entire addon
Hambla & TheTrueFury for helping with textures/scripting

Gyrow_13 for some of the alien skins


Ben 10 Reboot DataPack [1.16.5] [1.15.2] [1.14.4]

Ben 10 Reboot Data Pack 06

Мод на Майнкрафт про Бен 10 с мутациями и т.п.

Скриншоты мода (кликабельно!):

Ben 10 Reboot Data Pack 01 Ben 10 Reboot Data Pack 08 Ben 10 Reboot Data Pack 07
Ben 10 Reboot Data Pack 06 Ben 10 Reboot Data Pack 05 Ben 10 Reboot Data Pack 04
Ben 10 Reboot Data Pack 03 Ben 10 Reboot Data Pack 02

— Omnitrix:

[Временный] Бросьте изумруд и звезду Пустоты на землю, чтобы получить Omnitrix.
Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши Omnitrix в левой руке, чтобы может выбрать инопланетянина.
Когда время Omnitrix истекает (2,5 минуты), он переходит в режим перезарядки и перезаряжается 30 секунд.

— Heat Blast:

— Четыре руки:
В девятом слоте вы можете хлопать, я назвал пощечину, когда вы нажимаете, вы бросаете ветер, который гасит огонь вокруг него и толкает мобов вокруг. Если вы посмотрите вниз и щелкнете, то вас подтолкнет вверх.
В восьмом слоте вы можете совершить супер-прыжок.
В седьмом слоте вы можете прыгнуть, а при падении взорваться.
В шестом слоте вы получите ускорение прыжка пять.


Minecraft Forums

Ben 10 Mod (Omnicraft)


Welcome To The Thread For Our Official Ben 10 Mod! Since Last Time, We’ve Merged With Another Ben 10 Mod, Meaning We Have Lots More Help! We’ve Got PLENTY Of Good Stuff To Show You! We’ve Got Coders Working On The Mod As I’m Updating This! Here’s A Preview Of Some Of The Models We Have So Far!

unknown 22

2018 01 21 16.43.49

Ben10 3




There’s Plenty More To See, This Is Only A Fraction Of IT

If You Would Like To See More And Follow Progress Through Discord, You Can Find Us Here

Remember, IT’S HERO TIME

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The hype is real, not like I’m helping on the mod or anything heh

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there is no diamond head or ripjaws pics.


Im So Hyped, I’m Helping the Mod and all, I So Want to See this Mod In my Minecraft!


there is no diamond head or ripjaws pics.

I really Working on the RipJaws Model(Im The Modeler of the RipJaws) so, I Think Soon there is gonna be A RipJaws Model!






MCNT 59c56c70a800f 1



I am the coder for this mod and i see its going good its ya boi timeking14


Another Ben 10 Mod. The models are cool. Though I’m curious what version will this be for?


It’s Currently For 1.12.1
We Are Currently Adding Powers And We Have 2 Betas So Far
If You Wanna See, I Can Leave A Download Link For Like 5 Minutes.




We Are Currently On Beta 2, Soon To Have Beta 3. We Have Most Aliens From OS, And Have Them Animated.

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oops, just looked at the last update. LOL

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Are there any developmental videos or pictures?


It’s Currently For 1.12.1
We Are Currently Adding Powers And We Have 2 Betas So Far
If You Wanna See, I Can Leave A Download Link For Like 5 Minutes.


Are there any developmental videos or pictures?

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Dang it. I was currently developing my own Ben 10 mod, until I saw this. Honestly, this one looks SO much better than mine. I have been waiting for a Ben 10 mod since I started playing Minecraft (that was 5 years ago). Keep up the great work!


I have a couple of ideas for the mod. How about the option to let modders create add-ons to the mod that allow them to add their own aliens, Galacticraft support (if you add the ships from the series, allow the player to use them to go to other planets and have the option to go to the aliens home planet), and customizing the aliens and Omnitrixes (like eye color, clothes color, and Omnitrix color).


Ben 10 Addon

Earlier Versions


ben 10 addon scr 1 mini

ben 10 addon scr 2 mini

ben 10 addon scr 3 mini

ben 10 addon scr 4 mini

ben 10 addon scr 5 mini

ben 10 addon scr 6 mini

ben 10 addon scr 7 mini

ben 10 addon scr 8 mini

ben 10 addon scr 9 mini

ben 10 addon scr 10 mini

ben 10 addon scr 11 mini

ben 10 addon scr 12 mini

ben 10 addon scr 13 mini

ben 10 addon scr 14 mini

ben 10 addon scr 15 mini

ben 10 addon scr 16 mini

ben 10 addon scr 17 mini


This addon requires the newest LucraftCore, HeroesExpansion, Speedsterheroes, The Fifth World, Electroblob’s Wizardry, and Star Tech, Man! The Legendary Mod? mods to work.

Watch this video to see how to install Lucraft addons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d36qSLCkmXI

Here is a Video by Drake Lytle displaying the Addon in a Hardcore world: https://youtu.be/rXBG0sqnkt8

Join us on Discord for support and teasers! https://discord.gg/BFVgGD5

This Addon adds, as probably recognized by the title, the Omnitrix from the Show Ben 10

The Omnitrix can be crafted with Osmium Plates, Black Tri Polymer, a basic circuit and a Uranium Ingot.

Using aliens’ abilities will cause you to gain XP. Once you reach Level 40 in the Omnitrix, you can recalibrate it to become the Recalibrated Omnitrix. It takes 5 minutes (6000 ticks) to recalibrate before it can be used.

For the Ultimatrix and Completed Omnitrix recipes you can use the Cerebrocrustacean form, and see them while at a crafting table. Alternately, to learn the recipe for the Completed Omnitrix use either the Cerebrocrustacean or Galvan forms in the Ultimatrix, and see it while at a crafting table. These recipes will disappear when you transform back into human, but can be learned again when transformed into these aliens.

If any changes are made to the Omnitrix/Ultimatrix involving timers or randomising features, please use the Omnitrix armour item again to update the power as it won’t automatically do so!

There is a secondary addon, called Alien Hybrids, that adds the aliens from this addon as separate powers if you only want access to one alien’s abilities or want to RP on a server.

Creative Mode Warning: You can’t directly inject the Omnitrix power in Creative Mode, or else the timer won’t work. You must put on the Omnitrix Item in the chest slot and then activate it to trigger the timer.


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