focusrite не видит компьютер

Focusrite не видит компьютер

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Много раз писал уже, как решил такую проблему.
Пусть будет вынесено в отдельную тему.

Взял 2i2 2gen, долго возиться пришлось с установкой.
В процессе установки драйвера система материлась на то, что у драйвера на карточку отсутствует цифровая подпись. Соответственно карточка не подключалась.
Система W7 x64.

После установки SP1 запускаем это рекомендованное от фокусрайта обновление винды (ссылка ниже, обновление безопасности). Теперь обновление безопасности ставится!
После перезагрузок переустанавливаем драйвер фокусрайта: сносим всё связанное с ним,удаляем устройство из системы в диспетчере устройств, после чего с нуля устанавливаем драйвер (теперь система уже не матерится на неподписанный драйвер), снова перезагружаемся. После перезугрузки подключаем карту. Всё заработало в итоге.

Вот ссылка на их рекомендованное обновление безопасности для w7 х64:
Но как сказал, вышеупомянутое обновление не встало, пока я не обновил систему полностью до SP1.

п/с: если Service Pack 1 уже установлен, то просто качай обновление по вышеупомянутой ссылке и ставь его. Если не встала, значит сначала обнови винду до SP1 (или освежи через центр обновления виндоус) и попробуй снова.
На нелицинзионной винде никаких проблем с обновлением через «Центр обновления виндоус» не будет.
ССылки представлены с личного кабинета на сайте фокусрайта

Крайняя мера: переустановить систему (сменить на 8-ку или 10-ку).
Если карта работала, но перестала работать (матерится на драйвер, но обновления не помогают), то либо удалите драйвер и установите более раннюю версию, либо «обнулите» систему.


Focusrite Audio Engineering

Focusrite Help Centre

Focusrite Control is showing ‘No Hardware Connected’ or ‘No Hardware Detected’

Applies to: 3rd Generation Scarlett Range, Scarlett 2nd Gen (6i6, 18i8 & 18i20) and all Clarett interfaces.

Please note: Focusrite Control will NOT detect the following interfaces :

For users of macOS Big Sur, you can find our support information for Intel and Apple M1 Macs.
This article addresses problems users may have with the Focusrite Control desktop application for Windows and Mac. For help with the «Focusrite Control iOS» app for iPhones and iPads please see this article.
If you are using macOS with a Clarett Thunderbolt, Saffire or Red interface, this article may solve your problem.

This article is split into two sections linked from the following:

No Hardware Connected

For No Hardware Connected on macOS– click here.


On Windows systems, you can look in Device Manager to check your interface is being listed correctly. To access this:

Right-Click on the ‘Start‘ icon > Device Manager.

Screen Shot 2018 07 11 at 15.46.07

If your i nterface is showing correctly in Device Manager but Focusrite Control still displays No Hardware Connected, please complete the following instructions :

1) Ensure you have the latest version of Focusrite Control from the Downloads page or from your account .

2) Ensure that Focusrite Control has been installed to the main C: drive of your computer. Installing Focusrite Control to a secondary drive can cause issues. If in doubt, please reinstall Focusrite Control using the default options.

3) Check that ‘ Focusrite Control Server ’ is running. To do this:

* Your hard drive may be named differently.


If you are a user of a; Clarett Thunderbolt, Saffire or Red interface, on macOS 10.13+ please see the following article in addition to the below steps:

To check if the interface is appearing as connected:

Click the Apple logo (top left of your screen) > About This Mac > System Report > Hardware > USB, or Thunderbolt.

If your interface is being seen at a hardware level, your interface model will be displayed in the main window as shown below.

Screen Shot 2018 07 11 at 15.45.21

If your i nterface is showing correctly in the System report, but Focusrite Control still displays No Hardware Connected, please complete the following instructions:

1) Ensure you have the latest version of Focusrite Control from the Downloads page or your account.

3) Ensure that the Focusrite Control Server is running, to do this:

Quit Server Mac

The service will not quit and will remain in Activity Monitor. Your interface should now appear in Focusrite Control.

If this does not work, please go to step 4:

4) P lease manually start this server, to do this go to:


Now please open Focusrite Control and your interface should be recognised.

If you are still unable to see the interface, please Contact Support.

No Hardware Detected

For No Hardware Detected on macOS– click here.


1) Ensure you have the latest version of Focusrite Control from the Downloads page or from your account.

2) Ensure that Focusrite Control has been installed to the main C: drive of your computer. Installing Focusrite Control to a secondary drive can cause issues. If in doubt, please reinstall Focusrite Control.

3) Check that ‘ Focusrite Control Server’ is running. To do this:

Please also run the Focusrite Control installation again with your firewall or antivirus disabled. When running the installer, please ensure to right-click the installer and choose Run as Administrator.


If you are a user of a; Clarett Thunderbolt, Saffire or Red interface, on macOS 10.13+ please see the following article in addition to the below steps:

Click the Apple Logo (top left of your screen) > About This Mac > System Report > Hardware > USB, or Thunderbolt.

If your interfa ce is being seen at a hardware level, the interface model will be displayed in the main window as shown below.

Screen Shot 2018 07 11 at 15.45.21

If your interface is showing correctly in the System report but Focusrite Control still displays No Hardware Detected, please complete the following instructions:

1) Ensure you have the latest version of Focusrite Control from the Downloads page or from your account.

3) Ensure that Focusrite Server is running, to do this:

Quit Server Mac

The service will not quit and will remain in Activity Monitor, your interface should now be detected in Focusrite Control.

If this does not work, please go to step 4:

4) Please manually start this server, to do this go to:


Now please open Focusrite Control and your interface should be recognised.

Mac Firewall Settings

Please drag the Focusrite Control application itself into the Firewall options while doing this.


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